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Hungry Hearts Performance Band - What is it?

It is an art project. We make synth electro pop music, music videoes, choreography and.. In our performances the visual aspect is just as important as the music. Hungry Hearts acts on the Norwegian and International contemporary art scene, qgay and lesbian scene, music venues and at film festivals.


So what do you do?

We perform with our synth pop music and particular choreography. We use our female bodies with it's history, shapes and curves. And we comment on the contemporary discourse and on the cultural and political currents 

The lyrics are about?
Master minds, Cyber space, Stalker girls, lesbians, love, passion, tomboys, Laika the cosmonaut dog, nerds, emo girls, outsiders, insiders, dreamers, strangers and all the weird thoughts and emotions we all have to handle.

In all song lyrics and stage shows there is a message.


What kind of message?
It is about being a person, a woman, a human being,a lesbian, taking responsibility, focusing on reality and dreams trying to make a small difference - at least for some people.. 

And it's about the things we do for love..always.



So where have you performed?
We have participated in more then 50 international film festivals with short films and made performance concerts in Japan, Germany, France, Israel, England and Greece.

In 2016 Hungry Hearts feat. Lisa Dillan was part of the ESC Norwegian final with their song Laika. 

We have performed at The Norwegian Opera & Ballet and participated at Høstutstillingen, Landmark Art Club (Bergen Kunsthall), Museum of Contemporary Art, House of Foundation and Kunstplass 5. 



Hungry Hearts (HH) er et kunstprosjekt som ble etablert i 2006. Kunstnerisk leder er Tonje Gjevjon.


HH utvikler og produserer performancer, videoarbeider, fotografier, installasjoner, musikk. koreografi og tekster.


I Norge har HH blant annet deltatt med performancer på Høstutstillingen, Landmark Art Club (Bergen Kunsthall),

Museet for samtidskunst, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, House of Foundation, Kunstplass 5. THH har deltatt på over 50 Internasjonale filmfestivaler med ulike videoarbeider.


I 2010 vant THH ”The One minute award” i klassen “Europe” en internasjonal online videokonkurranse.

I 2011 var THH med i Oslo Screen sitt internasjonale visningsprogram.


I 2012 viste NRK TV Nasjonalgalleriet en reportasje med THH.

I 2015 var THH med i den norsk/indiske spillefilmen Life is a moment.

​THH har laget låten ”In Your Face” - The International Lesbian Anthem.


I 2016 deltok Hungry Hearts feat. Lisa dillan med Låten Laika i Melodi Grand Prix. Laika fikk raskt kultstatus i ESC miljøet.

Kunstnerisk målsetting:
Gjennom stemningsbaserte uttrykk ønsker THH å skape gjenkjennelse, undring og refleksjon.


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